Business Success


  • Written by Eric North aka “The Happiness Warrior”


As the Happiness Warrior, I’ve always felt that there's no greater quality that I value more than the truth. Being truthful is the core of our authenticity and raises our spirit and vibration. The truth is essential for resilience, discovering meaning, and finding moments of happiness in this unpredictable and always changing world that we live in.

We are all connected, and truth is what binds us together. We can never be our best as humans until we can live in our personal truth in harmony with our inner spirit.

The truth can be scary and make us uneasy, but if we use the right words and focus on empathy and intention, we can always be truthful and feel free to be ourselves. In an era of “alternative facts”, living in our truth is the only way to make our world better and live life with deeper meaning. The truth always gives us freedom to see the world in a new dimension with greater insight and empathy. It’s the moral compass we all possess that will always set things right.

When I was growing up in the seventies in the South the truth seemed like a faraway reality. Everyone conformed to others’ expectations and being truthful was something seen as inconvenient and ugly that didn’t seem to matter. Truthful people who felt the need to speak were shunned and shamed for their forthright feelings and honesty. I learned from an early age to use my words wisely, but there were times when I purposely pushed the limits and relied on my inner voice to guide my way.

My parents married young and were ill suited for a happy marriage. They had three children and a mortgage in their early twenties. They were too young to be so tied down and both still needed to discover who they were. We had some happy times, but they were dulled by many fights and yelling. There were many lies which made me confused and unhappy, but I knew deep down that they were both hurt and frustrated and lying was a way to cope. As I grew up, I learned that most of the adults in my world didn’t want to hear the truth and that it was better to hide and build my own lies to defend myself from the outside world. I knew it was wrong and sometimes it made me rage inside but keeping quiet and not making waves was my way to draw attention away from myself. I knew deep down that my life would be better when I was older, and I would create the amazing life that I knew I deserved.

My parents were both good people and did their best. They married too young and never got to know who they were as young adults. Life is hard when we’re afraid to be who we are and can make us fearful of the reality of our present. I love them more knowing how hard they struggled with their own fears and anxieties and how well they managed to cope.


The truth is a pure ideal, but it is also something that can appear to us with many different perspectives. We can believe the truth that suits us, or we can free ourselves and be true in everything we say and do. When we see lies as real choices, we are only hurting ourselves and creating a never-ending cycle that lowers our vibration and our ability to feel empathy. Lying lowers our connection with others and makes us feel alone. Lies set us apart and create a disconnection that keeps us from living our best lives. We’re never happy when we lie and live lies of deception. When we lie to others, we are also lying to ourselves and creating a life journey with the pain of emotional damage. Truth is freedom and truth helps us rise and be our best selves.

The longer we spend in the deceit and comfort of delusion the more attached we become to our lies. The truth can be hard when it’s revealed but once it’s accepted it changes our lives and gives us freedom to be who we really are. We’ll never enjoy and rejoice in our unique gifts unless we are honest and truthful. When we start being truthful, we gain the feeling of life-mastery that comes from self-awareness and hard truths.

Our minds awaken once we realize that our closely held lies are hurting us until we can let them go. Emotional pain is temporary and gives us strength as we change our mindset. Vibration rises when we embrace the truth and live in the happier light that it provides.


Truth helps us to embrace change and experience the world with clarity and gratitude. Nothing makes us feel more complete than when we’re living in our truth. Truth helps to live our lives more fully and create a life where we feel purposeful and live in our intention. The truth allows us to be our best selves and feel more alive and purposeful:

·     Everything changes every second.

·     Life is too short to spend living in a lie of our own creation.

·     We only live in the reality of the life that we create.

·     Being busy does not mean being productive if we’re living in a lie.

·     Failure is something that can be embraced and often occurs before success.

·     Thinking and doing are two very different things.

·     You don't have to wait for an apology to forgive.

·     Some people are simply the wrong match and live in a different state of vibration.

·     It's our job to love ourselves.

·     Material possessions and social status don’t define us.


We are taught to tell the truth all the time, however; it’s sometimes best to not say anything at all if it’s going to hurt someone unnecessarily. The first reason is that telling a lie. An honest opinion, which is negative and critical, is an effective way to upset the harmony of a relationship. Judging and unnecessarily hurting others is not the same as being truthful.

However, if we don’t tell the truth when it’s hurting us it will only hold us back. We can take comfort in the knowledge that the truth will eventually arise, and all will be well. It’s best to remove ourselves from these situations or find a way to forgive and let go.

-          Lying holds us back.

-          Lying makes things worse.

-          When trust is broken it may never fully be regained.

-          The truth is easier to remember.

-          Truth creates greater opportunities.

-          The truth sets us free even if it means losing other people.

-          Truth helps us build deeper connections.

-          Truth creates respect and shows that we care about the greater good.

-          Truth inspires confidence in ourselves!


Honest people tend to be loyal, and loyal people tend to be honest.

Dishonest, but loyal people can’t ever truly be trusted, because they haven’t been honest from the start. Their loyalty is based on lies and can be easily discarded.

Disloyal, but honest people often display narcissistic and sociopathic behavior. No one is immune from these people and listen to your intuition in understanding and processing their feelings and emotions. Often, they are only out for themselves and leave a trail of destruction and heartache.


To be more truthful we must embrace our authentic selves and live in comfort that we are our unique creation. Living our lives for another is a waste of our own potential. Victimhood is never anything to celebrate and martyrs are often egotistic and untruthful to themselves:

·         People who understand themselves, and know their own strengths and weaknesses are strong and raise their vibration.

·         They show up for their lives without fear of judgment.

.          They are proud of who they are and who they’ve become.

·         They honor commitments and promises!

·         They understand the value of self-awareness and have a realistic view of how they’re perceived in the world.

·         They don’t need to be liked but attract others with their good energy.

·         They’re able to hear the truth without suffering or grief.

·         Are trusted by their peers

·         They tend to have more close long-term friendships.

The truth will always set us free no matter how painful the journey. A happy and magical life is a truthful life!

IG  @TheHappinessWarrior1
Tw: EricLNorth1

Eric North The Happiness Warrior

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